Yoga+Natural Solutions
Lynn Marie will invite you to move with your breath honoring your body's unique needs in every yoga practice. The practice is customized to you making it available for all body types and levels of ability.
Some of the many benefits are:
Relieves stress, anxiety & muscular tension
Increases flexibility, range of motion, muscular strength, balance & coordination
Aids recovery from & prevents injury or other ailment
Enhances digestion and metabolism
Improves & balances your personal energy
Available to EVERYONE - no matter exercise level or age
Dr. Timothy McCall, MD, a board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, published a list of health conditions that have been demonstrated in scientific studies to be benefited by yoga.
117 Health Conditions Benefited by Yoga (as found in scientific studies) - This 28-page document references with hyperlinks to study abstracts and, where available, the free full-text articles describing the proven effects of yoga for 101 health conditions.
38 Health Benefits of Yoga - This article highlights concrete clues as to how yoga works to improve health, heal aches and pains, and keep sickness at bay.
Read more research that has proven yoga's benefits using this compilation from Yoga Alliance.
More Than Poses
We practice staying CALM when facing difficulty.
We cultivate COURAGE by challenging ourselves to try new positions, sequences, and approaches to old poses.
We BALANCE EFFORT & EASE so that we meet our daily activities with grace and create less tension in our relationships with others and ourselves.
We observe the fluctuations of our mind and body to BUILD our STRENGTH in choosing what's best rather than reacting out of habit, obligation or fear.
We OPEN our EYES to new ideas and create space for creativity to spark within us.
We FREE OURSELVES from tension in body and mind.
We LEARN techniques to maintain our cool, prevent dis-ease, and rebalance in a changing world.
Our on the mat practice is what we make it to be. I invite you to join me in a practice that clears the path for living well and being of good service to our communities. Time on the mat is an investment that provides a quick return off the mat for you and those around you.
Students Say...
This is my reward for a hard day.
This is the most relaxed I have ever been in my life.
You help me feel good physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Yoga For All
Lynn Marie Hemera opens the yoga practice to meet you where you are no matter your current health, physical abilities, age, body type, injuries, etc. She gives you the tricks & techniques to reap the rewards of a sustainable, life giving yoga practice.
Beginners are welcome. No knowledge or experience in yoga is required to enjoy the practice. All poses will be taught with instructions catered to you. In other words, Lynn Marie gives instructions and observes your practice. Then she'll adapt her words and approach to help each person understand. She does not follow a script, nor does she go fast leaving students behind and unable to "get into" a pose. In addition, she facilitates the yoga practice in a way that allows you to pick the pose variations that work best for your body and energy level.
Integrating techniques for mind, body and spirit, held and flowing postures are explored. Lynn Marie teaches all yoga students, public and private, to move with breath honoring your body's unique needs.
Together we'll replenish our bodies, calm our minds & connect with our hearts.
Lynn Marie has taught students ages 2-93; there is a style for every body to receive yoga's benefits.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is a physically passive style of yoga which utilizes props to support the body for total relaxation. This class soothes your nervous system, calms your mind, frees your spirit and creates space to restore balance. Restorative yoga is a gentle yet powerful practice that has healing benefits for all.
Chair Yoga
A gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting in a chair or standing using a chair for support.
This class is available to EVERY BODY including beginners, desk workers, and those that are uncomfortable getting on the ground.
No two classes are the same. A sample Chair Yoga class with Lynn Marie is available on YouTube.
Gentle Yoga
A slower-paced, relaxing yoga class with light movement.
This style is best suited for those with stress, physical limitations, injuries, seniors, & anyone looking for a slower pace.
Mixed Level Yoga
In this class, held postures and flowing movement will be explored with breath and awareness. You'll be invited to explore poses that are strong and soft.
This class is available to all bodies and levels of ability. Illuminate Yoga Around Downtown is a Mixed Level Yoga class.
Yoga Walk or Hike
Yoga Walk or Hike with an awareness of one's breathing and surroundings brings an individual in contact with nature and self. During this practice we will mindfully walk as well as find rest, release or energy through asana or physical yoga poses.